Favorite Veggie?

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Challenge 1

Baby steps and we'll get there! Make it your goal to put only one packaged item in your kid"s lunch each day this first week. I always say, if you have to open a package, there is probably a better choice. So what does that leave you with? A sandwich, piece of fruit, packaged item (granola bar :), storebought cookies :( Chips :( pretzles :) ) One option that may make you look like the world's coolest mom is on Saturday or Sunday you could make up a bunch of "healthified" oatmeal cookies. I just use half the butter the recipe calls for and no white sugar. What it asks for in white sugar, use applesauce and as a way to give it an extra ump to get your kids though the day, throw 1 scoop of protein powder in there and they'll never know! The more "candy" (raisins, craisens, dried anything really) you put in the cookie the more they'll love it! Just so you know, they will cook up smaller, so throw two or three in their lunch feeling good that you have given them fuel for their hard day! And even if they aren't loading up on sugar, for some reason it is important to kids that their friends see their mom packs them cookies. It's weird, but whatever! There are a lot of great ideas out there, but I want this to be a successful mission and one with great rewards along the way! You will see your kids have more energy, trimmer waistlines and all around feel better when they eat whole, real food that energize and strengthen their bodies. So take the first challenge and eliminate all but one packaged item from their lunch!

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