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Saturday, September 18, 2010

Hormones in Chickens and Beef, you may be surprised!

Let me start by saying I am not a chemist or cattle farmer, I am an advocate for your children and your pocketbook, and don't be naive to think that the government tells you everything you need to hear! Do your research on your own and see what I have seen!
Ok. This is a heated topic. Manufacturers are playing us for fools. Everyone is worked up over hormones in foods and what they are doing to our children, but did you know that only 30% of cows in the entire United States are treated with rbGH (hormone extracted from the cow's pituitary gland and injected into calfs to make them grow). The thing about rbGH is that it is a protein hormone, which mean that they are broken down when eaten and lose their effect in the body, they would have to be injected to affect you. Also, these hormones are only allowed for dairy cattle and not beef cattle, so the hormone goes into the cow and then we drink their milk, remember your body will not absorb a protein hormone, crazy! Steroid Hormones are the ones you need to watch out for. The FDA currently allows 6 steroid hormones to be used in dairy cattle and sheep, NOT POULTRY! are you hearing me, how many chicken packages have you read that say no growth hormone, well thank you for following the law! They say that to sell their product because they don't think you are smart enough to do your own research, my research was from Cornell University and I thought it was an easy read, clear and to the point with no bias. So the FDA can't regulate how much progesterone and testosterone are administered because it occurs naturally in the cow's body, but the do regulate the residual and check for illegal DES (which is the growth hormone used in chickens and outlawed in the 1970s). They started doing this in response to concerns of early puberty in Puerto Rico and found no trace of synthetic hormone in the meats. So what does that tell us, should we chuck all our organic milk and fruit? Hold your Horses one second. My personal belief system for what I eat is, "If you have to open a package to eat something, there is probably a better choice" so the same would be true up the line, if there is natural food for the cow's wouldn't that make more sense. You have to realize, that organic milk is 2x if not 3x as expensive, so I tell you this to assure you that there is no proof that this is making girls have their periods at 10-12. My daughter is 11 and not even close, but she has had commercial milk products her whole life. I want you to make decisions based on fact, not fear and I want you to sleep at night knowing you are doing your best, even if you don't take a second mortgage to buy organic milk and eggs. Organic is a realtive term anyway. If you had any idea what the federal government does with the "organic approved" and "non-organic approved" you would bang your head against the wall. My husband works in fertilizer and pesticides for farmers in the Sacramento Valley and he sees the new list every 3 months for "organic approved" pesticides, so please know they aren't pesticide free unless you grow them yourself, or find the very few farmers that are finding new and inventive ways to work with the land, and they pass back and forth from approved to non-approved with no change to the chemical. What this information is to tell you, is that you don't have to break your neck! The fewer the chemicals, the better! so how do you find this out? You ask! Find out where the foods are coming from, are they even from America? If not, what are the policies of the country they are imported from and are the parts per million (pesticide to fruit) the same? What are the regulations? Arm yourself with knowledge, don't just believe everything suzy-homemaker tells you you have to do if you don't want your child having their period in 1st grade! Manufacturers are using the fact that most people believe allthat they hear to sell their product, I do want your children to have the very best, but don't just go out and buy organic because you are fearful, buy the best foods because you know how and why they are the best! My new project is to find a family or two to split a grass-fed cow with! I also want to start a small garden and maybe find some other mom's who want to grow other things and we can share the bounty! I want to encourage you mom' s that there are so many things that are going to come your way with what is best for your child and why you need to do this or that, my advice is, get all the info and pray about what to do. God has placed His children in your care because He trusts you and fortunately, He is not a hands off parent, and want to help you make decisions for his tiny humans! Just don't get me started on the ad campaign for High Fructose Corn Syrup, next week! Remember Natural is best, but don't get manic about organic!

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